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Parliamentary bodies dealing with HIV/AIDS :
Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Sangiin
Date of creation 31 January 31 2001
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour is a standing committee of the House of Councillors, with jurisdiction over matters under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. A standing committee considers matters referred to it (bills, petitions, etc.) and can investigate matters that come under its jurisdiction. If necessary for the consideration or investigation, the Committee may request the attendance of the competent State minister and request his/her replies and explanations. The Committee can also request the submission of reports or records from the Cabinet, government offices, and others. Furthermore, the Committee may request the attendance of sworn and unsworn witnesses and dispatch committee members. Information relating to considerations and investigations in the Committees of the House of Councillors is made available to the general public through the House's website and other means.
Membership Number of members: 25 Method of selection: Membership is allocated to political groups in proportion to their numerical strength in the House, and the President of the House appoints members in accordance with each group's request. Term: Duration of their term as members of the House (six years); however, membership is constantly changing.
Working methods In the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, the selection of matters for consideration and investigation, the schedule, and agenda management are decided by the Committee Chair based on consultations with the Committee's bureau. Committee meetings may be open to the public. The Committee may dispatch members for consideration or investigation. The Committee may hold open hearings on important matters of general concern and purpose (referred agenda) and hear views from genuinely interested parties and scholars or experts. When necessary for consideration or investigation, the Committee may call government officials as government witnesses and ask for explanations. Committee decisions require the agreement of at least half of its members in attendance. If necessary for consideration or investigation, the Committee may request an explanation from a State minister and call for the submission of reports or records from the Cabinet, government offices, and other bodies. Once the Committee completes its consideration or investigation, it prepares a report (examination report) and submits it to the President of the House. All the proceedings of the Committee are recorded in shorthand. These minutes are printed and distributed to all members of the House, and are also sent to national and local assembly libraries. In addition, the minutes are made available to the general public on the House of Councillors website.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Relations with the plenary session: Regarding matters for which consideration has been completed in the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, the Committee Chair submits a report to the President of the House. In addition, if that matter comes on the agenda of the plenary session, the Committee Chair, after giving an explanation of the content of the matter, delivers an oral report of the proceedings and results of the Committee. Relations with other committees: When necessary for consideration or investigation, the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour may consult with other committees or research committees and convene a joint meeting.
Relations with external bodies For its considerations or investigations, the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour may require the attendance of and statements inter alia from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, other State ministers. Through such question-and-answer sessions with State ministers, etc., committee resolutions, supplementary resolutions at the time of voting on bills (resolutions consisting of demands, etc. to the government when putting a law into effect), etc., the opinions of the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour are reflected in debates within the government and government advisory bodies. Relations with the Ombudsman, NGOs, etc.: If necessary for its consideration or investigation, the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour may invite interested parties, scholars and experts, etc. as unsworn witnesses and hear their views. Also, regarding important matters of general concern and purpose (referred agenda), the Committee may convene an open hearing and hear views from interested parties, scholars and experts, etc. Regarding domestic NGOs and NPOs, the Committee may summon their representatives as unsworn witnesses or speakers and also dispatch Committee members to engage in discussions and talks with related persons, etc. Furthermore, regarding those petitions submitted by members of the public to the House of Councillors that are referred to it, the Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour considers the petition, votes on whether it should be adopted or not and, , whether it is appropriate to send it to the Cabinet or not, and reports the results to the House. Of those petitions adopted in meetings of the House, those for which it is deemed that Cabinet action is needed are sent to the Cabinet, and the Cabinet reports on the results to the House of Councillors every year.
Subjects dealt with
Name Mr. Yosuke Tsuruho
Notes Chairman
Address (if different from above) Sangiin
7-1 Nagatacho 1, Chiyodaku
100-8961 TOKYO (Japan)
Phone (+81 3) 3581 3111
Fax (+81 3) 5512 3895
E-mail IntlCon@sangiin-sk.go.jp
Website http://www.sangiin.go.jp

Information on this page was last updated on 23 March 2009
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